Simple Tips to Take Care of Dental and Oral Health

- Do it the right way, choose a toothbrush with a soft brush and meetings. Then brush your teeth properly, brush from the gums to the teeth with repetitive and do not be too hard.

- Discipline. Diligent brushing the right way and at the right time at least twice that morning after breakfast and before bed at night. Limit sugary foods, foods that are sweet and sticky easily attached to the teeth if not promptly cleared, and will form plaques and eventually will lead to tooth decay. Efforts to do is to brush your teeth immediately after consuming these foods.

- Choose a toothpaste with natural ingredients and scientific combinations, selecting the right toothpaste also helps maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Toothpaste that contains a combination of natural ingredients (lemon juice, salt, and betel leaf) to oral health care for natural and scientific (calcium and fluoride) as the maximum protection to the teeth that are not easily perforated.

- Use Tool sanitary toothbrush which uses UV light to sterilize your toothbrush of germs, bacteria and viruses that are harmful to the body. You can get it at the dental clinic Escalade Dental Care Specialist.
- Check your teeth regularly to the dentist at least every six months